Ein Chinese auf Fototour durch die Sächsische Schweiz
Dr. Lingen Huang, ein Physiker aus China, der seit fünf Jahren an einem Forschungsinstitut in Dresden arbeitet, ist in seiner Freizeit ein begeisterter Outdoor-Sportler und Fotograf. Als er von den 1. Sächsischen Outdoor-Fototagen erfuhr, die parallel zum Outdoor-Festival FESTUNG AKTIV! am 6. & 7. August 2016 stattfanden, brachte er uns spontan die schönsten Fotos seiner Entdeckungstouren durch die Sächsische Schweiz mit.
Immer wieder rückt bei seinen Fotosessions auch die Festung Königstein in den Fokus. Wir freuen uns, dass Dr. Lingen Huang seine Fotos für unser Festungstagebuch zur Verfügung stellt.
Lingen Huang erzählt uns:
„As a researcher in plasma physics, I also like hiking, cycling, travelling and photographing. Photographing is one of my favorite hobbies which makes my life very interesting and meaningful outside of work. Although time always goes forward and never backward, photographing plays a trick on making a moment to last forever by simply pushing the shutter button. Snapshot of a moment is quite easy, while interplay of shutter time, aperture, ISO and white balance requires highly skillful to take a perfect photo. More than controlling of technique parameters, composition is also very crucial to make “forever the moment” impressive. It is all about playing with the light and combination of techniques and arts. I started photographing using a Pentax DSLR since 2009. It has already more than seven years passed. But yet I still have a lot to learn how to make a photo perfect.
It is my great honor to have the opportunity to exhibit some of my photos on landscapes ever shot in last several years. It is a bit difficult to select them for photo exhibition since every snapshot is memorable. Most other the photos I selected for the exhibition is on the landscapes of Festung Königstein. I didn’t show the portrait photos due to the issue of portraiture right. In case anyone is interest in my photos and wants to photograph together, I will be very happy and open to it.“
The video of time lapse was shot on the very morning on July 30, 2016. The rising fogs in the Elbe valley was quite dynamic and impressive. The Festung Königstein was sometimes visible, and sometimes was hidden by the fogs, which made the fortress quite mysteries and attractive.